About Our Product
The Lil' Dipper Gauge saves you time and hassle from inaccurate water level measures using outdated instruments.
It's a tool you wouldn't want to miss out on.
How It Works
When you press the button on the Lil' Dipper Gauge, a pump pushes pressurized air through the tubing to expel the water from it. The pressure needed to completely expel the water is the same as the water pressure at the bottom of the tank.
The gauge on the Lil' Dipper Gauge will read the pressure in inches of water, which is the same as the depth of the water in the tank. The accuracy of the gauge will be within one inch of manual measurement. Release the button once the needle on the gauge stops, and an accurate measurement will be displayed. Even when all the water has been expelled, the reading on the gauge won't change.
Gauge Installation
Select a place to mount the gauge
(Part A).
The plastic tubing (Part B) connects from the gauge to a fitting installed in the tank, so select a location with an acceptable route between the two.
When not enough tubing is supplied in the kit, additional tubing can be purchased from Lil' Dipper Gauge or your local hardware store.
Note: Adding length to tubing will slow the operation of readings, but its accuracy will not be affected.
There is no limit to the length of tubing that can be used.
Gauge Location
The Lil' Dipper Gauge is recommended to be installed indoors but can also be mounted outdoors with protection from the elements. We suggest mounting it inside a structure (house, garage, or shed) near the tank.
If you install it outdoors, the Lil' Dipper Gauge housing and tubing must be protected from the elements and direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to these will quickly shorten the life expectancy of the unit. We suggest doing it near an exterior wall, post, or tree near the tank.

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Gauge Connection
Step 1
To make the gauge (Part A) easier to read, mount it at a comfortable height. Drill two 1/4 in. holes and install the plastic inserts (Part G). Use the two screws to secure the gauge case through the exterior mounting flanges to the supporting structure. The gauge is designed to accommodate tubing entry from either the bottom or the back, making it suitable for concealed tubing within the mounting wall. Finally, attach the tubing to the inside of the gauge.
Step 2
The tubing (Part B) must be mounted so that it continuously slopes towards the tank. Avoid creating loops or rises in the tubing since these can leave traps that collect condensation and result in false readings.
If the tubing needs to be installed outdoors, it can be buried underground. When running the tubing under lawns, ensure it is buried sufficiently to prevent punctures or severing during grass aeration. Likewise, when passing the tubing under flowerbeds and gardens, bury it deep enough to avoid damage caused by tilling.
Step 3
The tubing enters the tank through a small hole drilled into the riser above the tank. We have provided a masonry bit (Part F) to drill concrete tanks. Position the entry point on the riser closest to where the water truck (or septic truck, if applicable) parks. This will help minimize the risk of tubing damage caused by large hoses entering the tank.
To provide additional protection against septic hoses, we recommend sleeving the tubing with a 1/2 in. PVC pipe all the way down to the base of the tank. Remember to create a slot at the base of the PVC pipe through which the 1/4 in. tubing can be brought out. This ensures that the tubing remains intact and prevents it from being sucked into the septic truck hose.
Step 4
To connect the tubing inside the tank, attach the 1/4 in. tee and adaptor (Part D) to the bottom end of the vertical run of the tubing. The vertical length of the tubing within the tank should be long enough to reach from the right-angle connector (Part C), which enters the tank to the bottom of it, allowing for approximately two inches of slack. Avoid letting the tubing coil at the bottom of the tank to maintain proper functionality.
Step 5
Seal the opening where the tubing enters the tank riser with exterior grade non-hardening sealant, such as black roofing cement.
Step 6
Remove the four screws to release the front cover. Install the two supplied AA batteries into the gauge housing and reinstall the front cover.
Step 7
Use the label sticker (Part H) on the outside of the gauge housing and name the corresponding tank:
- If the gauge is used for a water storage tank, fill in the tank’s maximum water level without overflowing. This information can be provided by the tank manufacturer or measured by lowering a rod into the tank. Fill in the minimum water amount in the tank when it would need a refill, too.
- If the gauge is used for septic storage, fill in the maximum level that the tank can be filled without overflowing. Again, this information can be obtained from the tank manufacturer or measured using a rod inside the tank.
Gauge Operation
To use the Lil' Dipper Gauge, simply press and hold the button on the top of the gauge housing. Once you hear a slight buzzing sound, it means the gauge is taking its reading; make sure to keep an eye on the needle on the device. If there is product in the tank, the needle will rise until it stops moving.
Once the needle has stopped, release the button and note the reading on the gauge. The gauge will tell you the level of the content in the tank in inches. Over the next several minutes, the gauge will slowly return to zero. To take another reading, simply repeat the process.